Raid times (invites/trash begins at 8:45pm):
-Monday 9:00pm EST - Midnight (Every Other Monday)
-Tuesday 9:00pm EST - Midnight
-Wednesday 9:00pm EST - Midnight
-Thursday 9:00pm EST - Midnight
Currently recruiting the following classes:
1 balls to the walls healer who can also play DPS. Preferably
Mistweaver or Resto Shaman
Highly Qualified players are welcome to message us if interested.
(adequate gear, experience, knowledge)
-Our perfect raider knows his/her class inside and out, and truly
enjoys playing it. It is ideally his/her favorite character to
-Keeps abreast of class changes and has a forum or three that
he/she references often.
-Eagerly min-maxes, does not tunnel, and is willing to take on
special tasks (i.e. "Stand out and iceblock." or "Drop grounding
totem for this.")
-Puts the raid first.
-Logs on outside of raids as well, and maintains at least 90%
-Has a history of hardmode raiding.
-Is comfortable in vent/mumble and able to communicate his/her
ideas effectively.
-Is 21+.
Any applicant is totally expected to laugh at our jokes. Totes
serious on this one. We're funny people!
Think you're our guy? Contact Traxion ingame on Thrall, or add