Designation is a reformed version of the 10 man raiding guild,
Design, on Sargeras.
Designation's raiding roster was formed shortly after Mists of
Pandaria launched and quickly rose to the top 10 ranks of the
server progression during Tier 14. Designation was founded to be a
guild for high quality players to seek progression raiding, while
still maintaining an insightful and friendly atmosphere among the
public as well as internally. We welcome social/casual members and
do our best to include them in our day-to-day happenings (5 mans,
scenarios, pug raids, etc.)
Designation is a semi-hardcore raiding guild with a laid-back and
casual environment. If you're looking for a quiet, but fun and
relaxed atmosphere and have similar progression goals or
experience, give us a try!
Since our formation, we have raided in 3 tiers of content,
progressively improving. Listed here is our pre-nerf progression
history in the tiers we've raided.
Tier 14: 16/16N, 10/16H
Tier 15: 12/12N, 13/13H
Tier 16: 14/14N, 12/14H
Our progression for WoD is as follows:
Highmaul: 5/7M
Blackrock Foundry: 7/10H
Recruitment needs are as follows:
Ranged DPS
(** Priority)
Item levels should be roughly 660 or higher with Heroic/Mythic
Highmaul raiding experience. Exceptions can be made with proof
(logs) of consistent extraordinary performance.
We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays from 20:30 to 23:30 CST
(US-Sargeras server time). We also have plans to possibly add a
third raiding day if enough of our raiders show interest. We don't
expect our raiders to attend raids outside these times unless
previously agreed.
What we ask from our raiders:
Attendance -- This is very important as we like to maintain a small
roster. This will almost always guarantee you a spot, yet we rely
on our members to make a very high percentage of raids in order for
this to happen.
Attitude -- We want people who want to raid despite the occasional
tough/stressful raid night. We have a passion for it during the
hard times and the easy, and so should you!
Experience/Knowledge -- Our members are mostly veterans who have
played through the hardest content of tiers through multiple
previous expansions. We want players who can perform well at any
spec they choose from and fully utilize both their main- and
off-specs. We strive to be as versatile as possible for a 10m
raiding guild.
When investigating prospective members such as yourself, we check
and/or ask about various things to determine their skill and
experience level before recruiting them. These include, but are not
limited to, the following:
-Proving Grounds endless score (Higher is better!)
-Challenge Mode scores (9/9 gold is best, but not having this won't
invalidate you.)
-PvP achievements (gladiator? 2200+? arena master? PvP requires
situational awareness. Great PvP experience is valuable, but not
necessary to be a great raider.)
-raiding achievements (realm firsts? pre-nerf kills? These show
-current log parses (cooldowns used opportunely? dps/hps weighed
against utility and survivability)
-volatility of personality (references are helpful)
-real life situation ("Is WoW poisonous to his/her life outside the
What we provide our raiders:
Sociability -- In our raids, we maintain a relaxed atmosphere of
mutual respect. There is plenty of humor, but never seriously at a
raid member's expense. This way, we intend to keep morale high and
get what we want done done without feeling horrible about it.
Realistic Efficiency -- We strive not to delude ourselves about
what can be done with our time. As it's realistic to expect that
our fellow raid members will need breaks for various reasons, we
schedule a long (5-10 minutes) break near the middle of every raid
so we can maximize our time, preventing chain afks. However, if
something comes up that's unavoidable and someone is afk, we set a
break timer then and there, so nobody has to waste their time just
Democracy -- Every raid member has their say. If the raid as a
whole doesn't like an idea proposed by an officer, officers will do
their very best to please the raid members by changing decisions in
favor of the general opinion. Decisions that are in dispute will
sometimes come to a vote (in raids, usually done by ready check) if
the general opinion is not obvious.
Trust and Respect -- We use the group loot system in raids because
we trust our raid members to loot intelligently and respectfully.
If there's a dispute about an item, all raiders expect each other
to handle the dispute properly, by talking among each other and
working out the ideal use for that item, with the end goal being to
defeat the current and future progression encounters. For us, loot
is a means to clear content and we trust each other to understand
that ideal.
Mythic/Heroic Raiding -- We are recruiting core players
specifically for the new mythic difficulty, as well as heroic mode
raiding. This means that although we often do fun non-heroic raids,
no core raider recruited for mythic/heroic raiding is expected to
attend these. However, if any number of core raiders need gear for
our current progression fight and it would come from non-heroic
content, we'll expect all core raiders to attend willingly, within
scheduled raid times.
Communication -- We have access to a dedicated mumble server and a
permanent axon channel. We currently use our mumble server for our
raids because of its proximity to US-Sargeras in Chicago and its
advanced Opus audio codec for the lowest attainable latency. We
don't have a website due to lack of interest, so we sometimes email
each other in mass email threads, which end up working as well as a
private guild forum would. Gmail and Yahoo email services are good
at this. Many of our raid members provide their phone numbers to
officers for contacting them in case of absence due to things like
oversleeping, power outage, or being held up at work, just so we
know what's going on. The officers never abuse our knowledge of
this contact info, for example, by spamming or otherwise disrupting
their life outside WoW, nor do we share this info with anyone who's
not a guild officer ("overseer" rank or above).
If all this sounds like something up your alley, don't hesitate to
leave us an in-game mail or message Fayt(#1129), Bulbasaur
(xhobbes#1704) or Solestra (sauce#1578) when we're online.
We are always recruiting exceptional players of any role, though we
may not always have guaranteed raid spots. If your class isn't
posted but you'd like to have a chat anyway, our mailboxes are
always open. Thanks for reading!