Guild Information
Origin was formed during patch 4.2 as a 10-man raiding guild,
primarily consisting of ex-hardcore raiders wanting to raid less
but still progress at a decent rate in current content. Since then
our aim was to maintain our position as the #1 10-man raiding guild
on Alonsus. We recently transferred to Frostmane in an effort to
increase the potential recruitment pool as we upsized to 25-man and
will continue to push for high level progression on a relatively
low number of raid nights per week.
We are a friendly bunch of people and most of us are pretty active
throughout the week, with plenty of social events going on like
CMs, old raid achievements and battleground farming groups... as
well as the odd alt raid!
Our guild currently encompasses 1 raid team for Mythic content. At
our peak on Alonsus, we had 4 raid teams ranging from 2
semi-hardcore 10-man Heroic teams right down to a couple of casual
once or twice per week normal teams.
Team Information
Highmaul: 6/7MC
3 nights per week, Wed/Sun/Mon
Guild Accomplishments as Current Content
7/7 Heroic - Firelands
8/8 Heroic - Dragon Soul
6/6 Heroic - Mogu'Shan Vaults
6/6 Heroic - Heart of Fear
4/4 Heroic - Terrace of Endless Spring
13/13 Heroic - Throne of Thunder
14/14 Mythic - Siege of Orgrimmar
---Feats of Strength---
Cutting Edge: Will of the Emperor
Cutting Edge: Grand Empress Shek'zeer
Cutting Edge: Sha of Fear
Cutting Edge: Lei Shen
Cutting Edge: Ra-Den
Cutting Edge: Garrosh Hellscream (10-player)
Cutting Edge: Garrosh Hellscream (25-player)
Realm First: Garrosh Hellscream (10-player)
We only consider players able to raid all of the raid days. So if
you can't raid that often for the full raid duration stated above,
please don't bother applying!
We are also looking for players wanting to stick it out in the long
term; we don't want recruits who decide to pack in raiding mid
tier, so being able to commit to a full tier of progression at the
very least is vital.
We understand that people have real life commitments as well and
expect the occasional absence, but there also have to be limits to
the level this can impact the raid team as a whole and we can't
have 24 people waiting for the other few people that didn't show
The Rest - Attitude > Skill > Experience > Gear
Ideal candidates have a positive and constructive attitude, are
highly skilled and well experienced in Heroic raid content, with a
good set of gear. However, we have been known to make exceptions
with regards to players with less experience and/or gear, providing
they have said positive and constructive attitude and are very
highly skilled.
For information on any aspect of the guild, feel free to contact
any member and you'll be forwarded to the appropriate people! For
more specific queries, ask the relevant people below.
Guild Master - Zabuzan
Officers - Smackbaby, Abyssion, Olordwhite
For all applications or other enquiries, our guild website is: