<Soulbound> of Malygos is a Level 25 guild founded in 2005
during Vanilla WoW and has been a raiding force since. We have
stayed strong for so long with our casual atmosphere, respectful
raiding, and good-natured attitude. We've grown over the years
mostly by word of mouth between family and friends, as well as
adding small groups of folks at a time.
We raid on a Tues/Wed/Thurs schedule right now from 8-11pm CST. We
distribute loot with an EPGP system so everyone who shows up earns
something. We do not have attendance requirements. We respect that
you have a real life outside of WoW and do not expect sacrifices of
small children or marriages to be a part of our guild.
We are much more interested in the player than the role, so put
some time into your application at www.soulboundofmalygos.com if
you are interested.
Most of our members are adults who strive for a no-drama and fairly
PG-13 environment. We succeed more often than not at providing
that, and are always interested in finding like-minded gamers to
join us.