Thank you for applying to Eternal Keggers. We are a semi-casual
raiding guild made up of mature players. We define semi-casual as
minimizing the time commitment for structured raiding. That being
said, we expect our raiders to be raid ready to take full advantage
of the limited time we spend raiding. This means making your toon
the best it can be by playing on your own time to acquire the best
possible gear, gems and enchants available to you outside of a raid
dungeon. We expect you to know your class, know the raid encounters
and be ready to offer suggestions to help achieve our goals when
appropriate to do so. EK is a fun group of people that have been
together in the game for a very long time. Many of us have played
together in EK since Vanilla WoW.
Once your application is submitted someone will contact you in game
to let you know your status. Thanks again for applying!