Harder Than Expected is a newly formed guild as a result of a merge
between 2 guilds on the Twilight's Hammer connected realm group.
After eliminating the weaknesses from both rosters we now have a
solid core of players ready to raid BrF mythic and eventually go
back to finish Highmaul. Were looking to add a few quality raiders
that share our goals of consistently raiding Mythic and becoming
one of the most established guilds on the server.
The majority of our raiders have experience dating back to Vanilla
and have played with one another throughout previous expansions.
Alot of us have 8/8 Gold CM's on 1 or 2 characters and we currently
hold 5/8 of the realm best titles. With 20 man Mythic raids now
being our objective and after merging with 6/7 people from another
guild we want to open up to some very skilled DPS and a Disc/Holy
Priest who can take part in banter and compete for spots if
Raid Times:
Wednesday: 20:00 - 24:00
Thursday: 20:00 - 24:00
Sunday: 20:00 - 24:00
Tuesday (optional): 20:00 - 24:00
Currently Recruiting:
Obviously, any experienced and skilled players are always
considered but we are particularly looking for:
Ranged DPS:
Priest - Shadow
Druid - Balance
Priest - Disc
Monk - Windwalker
Druid - Feral
We aren't in any major need for tanks but being well geared with a
viable off spec would be advantageous!
What's important to us?
Aside from being a reliable, skilled raider with experience from
previous expansions we value:
- Ability to compete for a raid spot should the situation
- Understand that creating drama will just be met with ridicule and
- Involve yourself in guild activities outside of raids such as
Challenge Modes, RBG's etc.
- Keep up-to-date with your class and specs even when the briefest
of hotfixes are released.
- Learn from logs and simcraft to maximize potential.
To be in Harder Than Expected you need to have a wide sense of
humour and the ability to handle being called a large variety of
insults along with being able to dish it out too. If this doesn't
bother you, then we think you'll fit right in!
You could describe the bond between our members as love-hate. If
one was to log on and say "Hi Friends x" he or she would likely be
met with multiple insults and an invite to the raid.
What we can offer:
Atmosphere - As most of us have played together over many years,
there is a unique relaxation yet seriousness and quality in and
outside of raiding. This means that if you fit in you'll be
involved in everything we do be it raiding Mythic or getting your
3rd alt 8/8 gold CM. (Unless your name is Mikerz/Dyel of
Character progression - Currently we run raids with Loot Council so
if there is an item of particular worth it isn't necessarily given
to the person who turns up every week and has the most DKP/EPGP.
Whereas this could be a consideration you can obtain loot at any
time if it's a viable upgrade and can improve performance. (no
trial periods where loot is banned) We'll always endeavour to
progress and clear current raids on Heroic and Mythic difficulty
(once our roster is complete).
Alts - We regularly run alt raids and encourage at least one
alongside your main to be in the guild, we also run multiple RBG
groups and Challenge Modes.
Banter - There'll be people on TeamSpeak and in Guild Chat most of
the time so you can always expect debates regarding current affairs
and news - just dont rely on it staying on topic and be insult free
for very long. Most of us are between the age of 19-26 so if you
cant take and deal out a tirade of verbal abuse, this wont be the
guild for you!
What we want from you:
- Competitive DPS/Healing
It's probably not worth applying if you cant pull your weight in
raids. We aim to clear content as quick and efficiently as possible
so pulling 20k DPS at 670ilvl isnt going to cut it. The same
applies to being OOM at 60% boss health whilst being lowest on
throughput - if you havent mastered your rotation, playstyle and/or
mana management then we dont want you.
- As stated earlier your personality is massively important
You should expect a lot of griefing in and out of raid chat. It's
not uncommon to see a few homophobic, racist, ethnocentric, or just
downright toxic comments thrown around. While these are often in
jest, we want to make it clear that you need a thick skin to fit in
here. If you get "offended" by such comments, then it's not going
to work out. That being said, actively contributing in raids and
serious discussions is also required - there's little to no worth
in being quiet in TeamSpeak and guild chat to the point of not
knowing your gender or attitude.
- Adaptability
We expect you to switch specs or roles at a moments notice and be
able to raid an extra hour if were close to a kill. This could also
include playing an alt instead of your main if the situation ever
arises and it would aid progression (honestly, very rare). Being
that the expansion is fairly fresh there will be alot of new
situations and changes that you'll be expected to adapt and keep up
with. If you cant handle swapping your level 100 talent because you
love it so much even though its now next to useless then please
apply elsewhere!
If you've got this far you probably have a good idea of what we
stand for and expect. If you can withstand some of the above points
and write a good application then visit harderthanexpected .
agamaggan . eu/forum/ (still under construction) or whisper
Jaksanimo, Zysterm, Globaled and Hydrobro ingame for more