Raid Times:
Tues/Sunday: 8 pm - 11 pm
1) Complete 10 man dungeons
2) Complete 10 man heroic dungeons
3) Complete 10 man achievements
1) Raiding schedule of 1-3 days weekly, currently raiding Tues
& Sundays 7 - 11 PM SERVER.
2) Raid Signups and planning through in game calendar & online
3) Carry a roster of around 12-15 active players.
4) Rotate people in and out for gear/achievements
We only have 3 points of criteria for recruitment and that is:
1) Skill & Class knowledge (Knows rotations, how to use spells,
which spells to use, etc). You need to be good. You need to be
actively improving yourself aka getting enchants, gear, emblems,
2) Need to have enough gear to at least do hard mode. We can carry
you a bit, but if you are only wearing item level 200 gear than
it's not going to work unfortunately.
3) Can handle being called out when you fail.
We have no plans on ever becoming a 25 man guild, so please be
aware of this before you contact us. If you are looking for like
minded skilled players, in a casual environment, looking to beat
some challenging encounters please whisper either me (Namael) or
Phrawst in game or post a quick application on our application