Hand of Palandine is Perenolde's OLDEST ACTIVE
Raiding guild. Formed on December 9th, 2004 we have mainted an
active roster and are looking to celebrate our 10 year anniversary
in style!
With Highmaul now open, we're looking for strong, dedicated raiders
to head up our heroic/mythic raid group.
Interested in joining? Feel free to contact us in game and we'll
chat about the guild, you and if we are the place you want to
See you soon!
Currently planned raid times for WoD.
Tuesday 6:30-9:30PM MST (8:30-11:30PM EST)
Wednesday 6:30-9:30PM MST (8:30-11:30PM EST)
Thursday 6:30-9:30PM MST (8:30-11:30PM EST)
Optional: Sunday 6:30-9:30PM MST (8:30-11:30PM EST)
Optional: Monday 6:30-9:30PM MST (8:30-11:30PM EST)
No application to fill out, just give us a few min of your time in
game or over vent!
Please speak to Braneour in game.