Envious is located on Horde Shattered Hand US (merged with
Coilfang, Demon Soul, Dark Iron, and Dalvengyr). Our current
progression is 5/7 heroic in Highmaul. We are recruiting raiders to
keep progressing into Highmaul and to raid Black Rock Foundry when
it drops. A DKP loot system will be implemented when the core 20
person team is finalized. We are recruiting core spots only, we are
NOT recruiting bench spots.
About us: We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild. We are extremely
helpful and always try to better each other while learning from our
mistakes and enjoying the time that we spent raiding. During off
nights we are an active guild pvping or doing alt runs. We were a
heroic guild back in MoP, ahead of the curve, and are looking to
progress into 20 man mythic raiding.
Raid Times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm pst
age: 21+ (most raiders are 25-35)
95% raid attendance
Ventrilo and working headset (and willing to talk in vent when
650 ilvl min (negotiable)
If you currently are not on our server you must be willing to
transfer once we go mythic.
Currently recruiting:
Holy Paladin
Resto Druid or Mistweaver
Ret Paladin
Dps Death Knight
Enhance Shaman
*All exceptional players will be considered.
Guild website: http://www.enviousguild.com/
Please contact us for any further questions or if you are
interested in joining
Korp@ wrath#1780
calvin@ tyler#12655
If you are not posting from the character in which you are applying
for please post the armory of the character. Past raid logs are
also appreciated.