We are a late night 25 man guild that focuses on PvE
RAID TIMES = 10:00pm-1am Tues-Thurs + Monday
We require the following from our raiders:
Skill - You must be able to perform at a very high level while
taking minimum amounts of damage.
Attendance - We want people that want to raid, that means showing
up on progression nights! This requires that everyone be available
on raid nights since we have a very small pool of extras to draw
from. Otherwise, the rest of us are stuck unable to progress due to
no shows.
Attitude - Don't whine, we're all adults here. That's not to say
guild chat is full of carebears and sunshine, but you must mesh
well and be a generally decent person. NO DRAMA! Yes, most of us
like to goof off and talk *** but it's all in fun. For the most
part we take our time seriously and so should you. You must be able
to handle criticism. The majority of our members have been playing
the game for a long time so any advice we give you should be taken
into account.
Flexibility - You must know your off specs and be ready to play
them. If you are a hybrid we expect you to have gear and raid ready
specs for at least two roles.
If accepted you can expect to raid with a chill group of ladies and
gents who aim to kill *** and kill it quick. We all have experience
ranging from original Naxx 40 man KT kills, up to and including
Light of Dawn and 0 light.
If you are interested in joining feel free to visit our website and