About Us:
Blacklisted is a semi-hardcore guild that thrives on its members
participation, friendliness and laid-back energy. Through these
ideals, we've adapted a loot council system to ensure proper and
fair loot distribution. Factors that determine your eligibility are
Raider status, performance and attendance. Each loot item and it's
distribution will be discussed over by GM and Officers, carefully
choosing who best fits the criteria. Those who are consistent in
showing and have a positive attitude towards raid, its progression
and all other members is ideal and what we look for.
20-Man: Tue/Wed/Thur 9PM - 1AM PST (Server Time)
What we're looking for:
Enthusiasm about raiding.
Dedication and loyalty.
Friendly personality.
A high level of knowledge about your class as reflected by
your gear, spec, and combat logs.
Familiarity with current theory-craft is expected.
Adequate raiding experience. Exceptions will be considered,
especially if you have significant experience in past
Availability to raid on the time dependent in which group
you're placed.
You should be willing to use Ventrilo.
You should have a computer that can handle raid instances
and a reliable internet connection.
Main Group: We're recruiting, please check above
to see what exactly we are looking for. Please be around 655+
Contact Information:
If you are interested in joining please contact us through one
of the following.
Deryck - endorphins#1701
Priestaria - Promplepus#1809
Beezniz - Mooky#1933