We are a semi-hardcore 20man raiding guild consisting of
raiders with extensive knowledge and experience. Our members are
mature, dedicated and friendly, and we all share the same goal:
successful mythic progression at a relaxed but serious
Schedule and requirements
Raiding schedule
Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00
Thursday 20:00 - 23:00
Sunday 20:00 - 23:00
Requirements, or what we expect of you.
- Attendance is required to as many raids as you can
possibly participate in. This does not mean we require 100%
attendance; we acknowledge that it will not always be feasible or
possible to come.
- Dedication towards our goal and the guild are mandatory.
You will be part of a team, and a family, and we expect you to
realize this. A positive attitude and a passion for raiding, and
the effort that comes with it, are absolutely imperative.
- Communication is of the utmost importance during a raid.
As such we require that you have Teamspeak 3, and a working
microphone, and that you use them as well.
We welcome you to apply at: