<Nox Oriens> is a progressive, friendly raid guild. We run
with two raid groups: Tempest (7/7H, 2/7M) and Ascendence (6/7N,
6/7H). We raid Tuesday, Thursday, Monday (9pm to midnight server =
central time). We have other guild activities like pvp (rbgs,
arenas, and world), achievement runs in old content, and alt raids
(all optional) on other nights. We are not actively recruiting
but will consider exceptional players who would be a good fit for
our guild.
Nox migrated to Korgath at the beginning of the Throne of Thunder
because Lightninghoof had become too small for an active raiding
guild. As a guild, we have a raiding history going back to 2007. We
also have pride in our guild - Realm first Level 25 guild -
Lightninghoof and Realm first working as a better team -
Lightninghoof. In the course of the second achievement, we got
multiple individual realm firsts for professions.
We maintain a friendly guild atmosphere. Many of our raiders are
parents. We have a liberal friend invite policy. All of your alt
characters are welcome but not required to be in guild.
Contact Shadowdi (Shadowjj#1695), Fideath, Drakä, or Nzete
(Nzete#1146) in game for further information.