Retrospect was established in 2009 on the Alliance side of
Skullcrusher. From day one, we made a name for ourselves on
Skullcrusher and have successfully grown over time. Originally,
this guild was built around world pvp and casual raiding amongst a
group of in game friends. Overtime, the guild has grown to become
the most active guild on the server.
Our Mythic raiding team looking for more dedicated and skilled
DPS/Healers for WoD content. We are currently gearing through
normal/heroic mode in preparation for mythic content. Please
contact Wyndorn, Polkadotts, Alaidya, Spaceduck, Supernovas or any
other officer in game. You can submit an application at the link
We raid two nights a week, typically Monday and Wednesday from 8pm
eastern - 12pm eastern. A loot council is utilized to prevent DKP
hoarding and an imbalance in the distribution of key and rare
See you in game.