We are looking for experienced and geared (650+) Ranged DPS no
Hunters and Priest (Holy) to join our hilarious raid team for
Mythic raiding. although all applications will be reviewed!
We have had an exceptional couple of weeks culminating in starting
Mythic and killing Mythic Bladefist on our first night trying,Were
quite the weird bunch and to compliment that you should be a mature
(18+), active and a patient individual. Most importantly you've got
to be able to put up with a couple Arsenal Fans...
Our current Raid Schedule is: Wednesdays, Thursday's, Sunday's and
Monday's. Our raids are scheduled to start at 20:20 GT and last
until 23:30 GT, Sundays are 19.20- it ends (20 past start as we
intend to pull 30 mins past)
Please also note that on progression pushes extra raids will be
Tyranny is a relatively new guild on Terenas. Made of a mix of ex
hardcore raiders and more casual players we have an awesome mix of
characters who will make every raid an interesting experience. The
goal is, much like most guilds on our small realm is to become the
very best. Don't let me mentioning our jokey side dissuade you ,
when it comes down to the pull timer the seriousness is
We are looking forward to moving on to Blackrock Foundry ,while
making sure no one is left behind by organizing Normal(alt runs)
/Heroic Highmaul as well
Tascuros, Slight,Kriptoe,Icewraith or Fleafood if interested