BATTLETAG: Nightrise#1174 or Klevra#1912
Our 20 man Mythic Raid schedule is Wed, Thur, Sun, Mon from
7:15-11:00PM Central (or 8:15-12PM EST).
Divide is focusing harder on progression than ever before and are
always looking for exceptional applicants of any class to
Divide was founded on the US-Greymane server at the start of BC and
transferred to US-Zul'jin just prior to Dragon Soul. Divide has
always been one of the top Horde guilds no matter the server. We
have been and will continue to be a fun & drama-free raiding
guild that is absolutely focused on progression. As has always been
the case, we remain fully committed to Mythic raiding.
- In MoP, we had the U.S. 35th Heroic Sha Kill and U.S. 72nd Heroic
Garrosh Kill.
- We went 8/8 HM in Dragon Soul and killed every boss at 0%
- Server-first 25-man Heroic Rag Kill in FL and Server First
- First horde-side guild on Greymane to kill 'HM Halion & HM
LK' (12/12 HM 25 ICC, HM 25 RS, 12/12 HM 10s, drakes 25 &
Loot System:
We currently use loot council to distribute loot. We make sure loot
is distributed fairly and unbiased with the sole objective of
furthering our progression - all votes are publicly displayed for
each item and we track raiders attendance, number of days since
last received loot, average loot per raid, and performance of the
raider. We want raiders who will always take a progression kill
over getting loot for themselves.
Raid environment:
While we all understand it's a game and we all play to have fun, we
are a progression focused guild and expect our raiders to come
prepared and focused for each raid. We ask that you keep
vent/mumble clear while a boss is in progress and save jokes and
what you did last night for trash or non raid times. Strategies for
upcoming encounters are posted in our forums and we expect all of
our raiders to do their homework. With that said, all of our
members are encouraged to contribute their thoughts and suggestions
if they feel they have something worthwhile to add to our approach
- we want raiders who can think for themselves in this guild.
We're looking for intelligent, mature, and active players who are
eager to conquer new content as soon as it becomes available.
Applicants should be drama-free min/maxers who know their class
inside-out, keep up with the latest (and upcoming) additions and
changes to the game, have stable computers and Internet
connections, and come prepared with knowledge of the boss
We expect all raiders to maintain a high raid attendance rate. We
expect our raiders to know their class and always be looking to
find ways to increase DPS/Healing or find better ways to tank the
boss for every encounter. We want raiders who are always trying to
top their previous best. We are looking for raiders who do not mess
around when they raid and who do not cause drama. We do not want
people who we have to constantly call out on vent for getting hit
by avoidable damage (i.e. goo or blistering colds or standing in
fires). Basically if you know the ins and outs of your class, can
do an amazing amount of healing or dps (or tank amazingly!) we want
you! If you stand in fires/get hit by AoEs, go afk a lot, or cause
drama - please apply somewhere else and save yourself and us the
time it takes to read your app.
If you feel like you would be a good fit then we strongly
encourage you to submit an application on our website:
You can contact us through BATTLETAG: Nicolbolas#1300 or
You can get in contact with any one of our officers either in game
or through our website.
Klevra (Klevra#1912)
Rumzlug (that0neguy#1389)
Nikolbolas (Nicolbolas#1300)