We are quite relaxed and friendly 18+ guild, however we are set to
reach the goal of being very good raiders. Due to our raid times
I'd say we are perfect for people who want to raid but work late
and still have lives Smile
At the moment we are 6/7 on normal and 5/7 on hc.
Our raid days and times are as follows:
- Thursdays 10pm - midnight
- Saturdays 10pm - 1am
- Mondays 10pm - midnight
Times are ofc provided in server time ratio.
We also welcome socials, who simply want to have fun in
If you have any questions or would recquire more information I am
available for contact at: Miltensan#2466, Skype: milten893 or @
Also you may find a lot of information on our website:)
Have fun and see you around Azeroth :)