<Delusion> of Mug'Thol is a semi-hardcore raiding guild.
About us:
<Delusion> has been around since the release of Wrath of the
Lich King. We were formed from the merger of older BC guilds on
Mug'Thol and have been raiding 25 and 10 man content since Naxx. We
take pride in the fact that we are semi casual, only raiding 2-3
nights a week and yet we progress along with some of the top guilds
on our server. Many of us are always in Vent, willing to
participate in BG's, dungeons, playing alts or helping others out.
We started as a 25man guild and near the end of 4.1 ended up
condensing down into a 10man for MoP. Divinity of Mug'Thol merged
with us at the end MoP to form our 20 man mythic roster for
Our primary mythic group raids Wed/Thurs/Mon 730-1030 CST
The current openings are: TBD
If you happen to be slightly under geared but are skilled we will
consider you. The most important thing is that you don't constantly
go AFK and can pull adequate numbers.
Logs are recommended.
If interested, drop a message to either Deviltheory, Sylvatic or
Mad (Mad#1115).