Sanity@Defias Brotherhood.
Recruiting all of the above for upcoming WoD Mythic Raiding.
-> Recruitment Info is much likelier to be updated more often on
the website, so please check that in case the info for the current
searched for classes is not up to date.
Achievements Thus far:
-Siege of Orgrimmar(10) 14/14HC by 15/08/14 - Realm 8th (Guild
formed in Mid-February.)
-Siege of Orgrimmar(25) 12/14HC over 3 weeks of raiding (3rd-18th
Sept), now on break until 6.0. Patch.
-Siege of Orgrimmar 'LF(R)*Mythic*' 14/14 cleared on first day.
Now awaiting WoD Raid release, See you Then!
About US:
We are a clear cut progression guild, aiming to climb the World
rankings, Killing bosses for the PURPLEZ & obviously as with
any game; to enjoy ourselves - to a certain degree of 'Sanity'..
I'm sorry.
We are striving not just for high realm rank, however, also for a
high world rank. We will always stick to the 3 night raiding
schedule & will not be forcing raiders to raid extra. But what
comes with that is the highest possible attendance at all times
WHEN Possible - obviously sometimes your cat does jump out of the
window & you do have to take care of it. (Hence Doge >
We do understand people having IRL responsibilities, but once
you're with us, "There is no IRL, Only AFK"! (Kidding.)
Raid nights & Times:
Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday night 20:00-23:00; With an
Optional Flex / Clear night on Monday night at the same time
although this is a more casual event, therefore attend at own
Expectations from Applicants:
- Sound knowledge of Tactics & ability to not just learn
tactics quickly, but also learn from their mistakes (Who'd like to
die in the same fire over & over again?). Sometimes constructed
criticism might be used, but more often than not, you don't tend to
see things that other people might see, which can possibly improve
your own personal gameplay.
- Being able to have a working Microphone & not being afraid to
talk on TS, and afterall, communication is most important during
raiding. If your microphone behaves like a submarine / or makes you
sound like you live in an airport, please refrain from
- Being Prepared for Raids & New-Content in best possible way,
includes flasks, food & what-not. As we're not a strict
hardcore raiding guild, these simple things allow us to keep up
there with the others with our smaller raiding schedule.
- Being able to attend most of the raid nights as specified (
preferably all).
- Knowing your class to the best of your ability.
What can you expect from US in Sanity?
- High-End raiding and progression to clear any content Blizzard
decides to throw at us.
- A Really good Atmosphere during raids; we're all here to play the
game & enjoy the time we spend on it. Most guilds tend to say
this on their profile, but ask yourself, how many have you been in
that actually had the social atmosphere that was promised? We're
exactly what we say & the consistent roster that we have only
speaks up for us in that concern.
- Non-Drama Guild. People get paid to be baby-sitters, & sadly,
we do not. We won't tolerate any drama about loot & other minor
stuff that just ruins the atmosphere in the guild, and do expect
swift removal upon anything of the sort happening.
- A Stable Raiding Guild that is not planning to spontaneously
combust in near future. We're looking for people for long-term.
For any information, contact anyone from the officer team - listed
Artegør - Btag: Artegor#2258 (GM)
Loupo - Btag: Niby#2298
If you aren't sure about meeting the requirements for the
application, feel free to contact anyway.
We don't bite.
Thank you for reading, Hope to hear from you soon!