<Fortis> is a serious raiding guild with a compressed
schedule, where every moment counts. We raid 2 nights per week.
Because of our tight raid schedule all players are expected to have
a working knowledge of all encounters in advance. Players are
expected to come prepared with all raiding consumables and be
online 15 minutes prior to raid time. We do not raid past
We are currently looking for additional players to bolster our raid
roster. Players are expected to work together as a solid team
Wednesday, 6:30 - 10:30pm MST
Thursday, 6:30 - 10:30pm MST
Voice Chat:
Classes Required:
Currently we are recruiting Healers for Mythic Progression. We are
looking for solid Holy Paladin, MW Monk, Resto Shaman and Resto
Druid to round out our raid roster.
We are also in need of Strong Ranged DPS for immediate Raid
Positions. Classes Preferred: Mage, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Balance
<Fortis> is also open for recruiting to all skilled
players of any class as well as casual players.
Contact Drifft, Hedrack or Raresteak in game for more details.
Contact Drifft through Battlenet at drifft#1787