Premonition is a hardcore World of Warcraft raiding guild that has
been at the forefront of progression in the US and in the world
since 2007.
We are looking to pick up several individuals to bolster our roster
for Pandaclysm (MoP) Heroic raids. Our highest priority needs can
be found on our website; however, if you feel you are the type of
player we seek, we encourage you to apply regardless of what class
you are. Premonition does not recruit players for a "backup" or
"bench" position. If you are recruited, you will be raiding.
Premonition's atmosphere is rather well-collected and not the
abrasive, swinish type that is unfortunately common in many high
end guilds. We will not sugar coat things and pat you on the back
if mistakes are made, but we also generally portray ourselves as if
we were adults in public. In light of that, we also don't enforce
or encourage extreme raiding hours or a mandatory alternate raid,
or similar practices.
Notable progression milestones include:
US 2nd / World 11th Heroic Ragnaros 25
US 1st / World 4th 25H T11 clear
US 2nd / World 6th Heroic Nefarian 25
US 1st / World 4th Heroic Al'Akir 25
World 2nd Heroic Magmaw 25
World 1st Heroic Maloriak 25
World 1st Normal Nefarian 25
World 1st Heroic Halion
US 1st Heroic Lich King 25
Only US guild to kill Lich King at 10%
World 1st - Heroic: A Tribute to Insanity
World 1st - Heroic: A Tribute to Skill
US 1st / World 3rd - Heroic Anub'arak
US 1st - Heroic Twin Val'kyrs
US 1st / World 3rd - Heroic: Alone in the Darkness
US 1st / World 4th - Heroic: Observed
US 1st / World 4th - Heroic: Firefighter
US 2nd / World 4th - Heroic: Vezax Hard Mode
World 1st - Keepers of Ulduar
World 1st - Heroic: You Don't Have An Eternity
US 2nd - Heroic: The Twilight Zone
US 3rd - Kil'Jaeden
US 2nd / World 3rd - M'uru
US 1st - Twin Eredars
US 1st - Felmyst
US 2nd - Brutallus