Since Wrath of the Lich King Liquid was performing as a raiding
guild on Shattered Halls - Horde. Shattered Halls has never been a
high populated realm which made finding good raiders for
progression a hard job. Thanks to the core players within Liquid we
we're still able to overcome all problems and progress through the
content ranking the guild into the top 3 guilds on the server.
Our main goal will always be clearing the mythic difficulty content
before it is outdated while achieving a good realm placement.
We expect that all of our raiders have in depth knowledge of the
class they play, dedication and a proper attitude. Raiders are
required to be ready for raiding, online in time for invites as
well as being focused during the whole duration of the raid. We do
not tolerate players that do some kind of drugs or drink during
raids loosing their concentration and focus. Players should have
enough raid awareness and knowledge of tactics so that they are not
required to be babysitted, for example with exessive announcements,
during normal raid execution.
It is important that you are a friendly, fun and social person.
Spending time ingame with your guildies and playing as a team is
one of the most important aspects of the game.
We will not ask for a written application as we find this process
tiring and mostly not as accurate as we would like it to be.
Instead we will go with a small ventrilo/mumble interview with the
applicants in order to have a more personal experience allowing
everyone to get a better impression for both sides, the guild
leadership and the applicants.
Social players are always welcome!
We are looking forward to raiding with you in the future...
The main raiding schedule for the current content and expansion is
as follows:
- Wednesday 19h -> 23h server
- Thursday 19h -> 23h server
- Sunday 19h -> 23h server
- Consumables (Food, flasks, potions)
- Guild repair
- Enchanting materials / Enchants
If you are interested or have any further questions, feel free to
whisper one of the officers in game:
- Assazzin (BTag: Mayja#2314)
– Nukytza
– Yuyun
- Deathsaga