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We are seeking various classes for 20 man Mythic raiding!
<Second Attempt> is a former top world 70 and realm
first guild that has roots dating back to Vanilla. Even though
we've been around for so long we can still use help from
exceptional players like you as we push for a top world rank and
kills again!
We are looking for any CONSISTENT and EXCEPTIONAL
players for Mists of Pandaria raid content!
Notable Progression Achievements are:
Top 70 guild for most of Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich
Realm First! Kil'Jaeden
Realm First! Obsidian Slayer
Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas
Realm First! Magic Seeker
Realm First! Lei Shen
Realm First! Ra-den
<Second Attempt> is a hardcore 20 man raid guild.
1x 20 man running from 12am-3am EST server time on Tuesday,
Wednesday with Monday for cleanup if needed.
NOTE: Although we only run one core
runs a week, we also harbor runs for our friends and family, alt
runs, GDKP runs, etc.
We're seeking exceptional players to bolster our 20 man raid
roster and help us push for Mythic progression in Warlords of
Second Attempt has open recruitment of all classes. We are always
striving to be a better guild and as such maintain competitive a
competitive raid roster. We do not play favorites. If you are
better than a current core raider, chances are you will earn a spot
for yourself. Regardless of this, we do have some immediate
openings for our raid group.
Loot System:
Loot is distributed by a officer led loot council which is designed
to increase progression, push people to be better players given
their class and keep things all around fair for our solid raiders
i.e consistently on time to a raid, proficient with their
character, etc.
Outside of Raiding Activity:
Seeing as we are a community of players, we do more than just
raiding. We also farm old content for transmog gear, old
legendaries, etc. We are also avid PvPers and RBGer's so if these
are things that interest you, then we're the guild for you, because
there's rarely a dull moment in the guild!
About Us:
Originally Second Attempt started off from the roots of two Vanilla
progression guilds, being Reign and Last Attempt. After the birth
of Second Attempt we pushed for many realm firsts in Burning
Crusade and held a formidable top world rank. After a period of
time and after clearing early Wotlk content with more realm firsts
the guild looked elsewhere for experience with the game and most
realm transferred to start a new guild on a new realm. As it stands
now Second Attempt has been reborn with ex officers and guild mates
of Second Attempt that spent some time reforming in Cynosure and
then came over to reform and restore Second Attempt. We are
currently recruiting various classes and types of exceptional
players for the new Warlords of Draenor content.
About You:
You should be a skilled and dedicated player, striving to better
yourself alongside the guild. You're experience and numbers should
be alongside or better then that of our core guild members. Second
Attempt is consistently looking to better itself and thus pushes
for achievements and heroic modes, with this in mind you should
have a similar mindset, look to theory craft to better your class,
Check out our website at:
After registering to our website you can follow through and fill
out a application for us on the forums.
If you have any additional questions, you can talk to the
following people by creating a character on Eonar:
Indofear - indofear#1324 - GM / Raid Leader /
Åk - Akay#1559 - Officer / Raid Leader
Praý / Praëtor - Poseidon#1774 - Melee Officer
Heliøus - Helious#1593 - Group Officer