Apotheosis is looking for exceptional applicants for mythic
We have been together since the start of Cata from the merger of
two 10 man groups, both of which were raiding as a 25 man at some
point. The original guild members have been raiding together since
We could list all the server firsts that we have received since
Wrath, because with few exceptions we obtained all the server
firsts, but we are looking ahead to a new level of content.
The vast majority of the guild hold professional jobs or are in
college so we try to make the best use of our time. We raid 3 days
a week and want to maximize our attempts and progress . We expect
people to show up on time, contribute to strats, and focus on
raiding and not trolling in trade. If you can not do these and
still play well then we are not the best fit for you.
We are not looking for a 10 man to merge with us we are only
looking to fill a few spots that we have available. We have a long
history of running a successful 25 man guild, so there will not be
a learning curve.
Raid Schedule (Eastern Time Zone)
Tuesday 8-11:30
Wednesday 8-11:30
Monday 8-11:30
Our website is http://www.apotheosisguild.net
Thank you for your time,
For any question, whisper Tempestade