<Minus Fifteen> is a Horde side guild on US-Sen'Jin that has
roots dating back to Pre-Wow. We have been around in this game
since around Tier 6 in 2007, but have become much more serious in
the past couple of years. Minus Fifteen is a semi-hardcore with
some minor Mythic goals in Warlords of Draenor. We only raid 2
nights a week, but we take our time seriously and are pretty
efficient. The average age of our raider is 33, we don't have a
minimum age requirement, but we seem to attract a bit of a more
mature crowd. That being said we like to let loose, poke fun at one
another and have fun, but at the end of the day have fun with one
another and respect each other.
We are very active even in our downtime and the guild has a very
friendly atmosphere overall. We even go so far as to have real life
meet ups on occasion! During MoP we managed to get 10man ahead of
the curve Lei Shen, and 25man ahead of the curve Garrosh.
We are planning to dabble in Mythic mode raiding when Warlords of
Draenor, we're not aiming to clear all content when it is current,
but we'll kill a few bosses here and there.
Our Raid times are as follows:
Tuesday 9pm - 12am CST
Thursday 9pm - 12am CST
We also run flex once to twice a week, usually Saturdays, but there
is no set time for this.
Our recruitment needs are currently pretty open. We will take a
look at anyone with experience, but our current needs are listed
below. Hoping to snag some Ranged DPS to fill things in. Anything
NOT listed you can assume we are full on, unless you're an
exceptional applicant.
Balance Druid - High
Mage - Medium
Elemental Shaman - High
Shadow Priest - High
Warlock - Medium
Hunter - Medium
For any questions or recruitment needs contact me on Real ID
If interested in applying please drop by our website and fill out
an app!