Whackdonald’s has opened recruitment for its 25-man raid crew.
Whackdonald’s is an Alliance guild on Aggramar that has been
raiding since Vanilla WoW. We are looking for a few good players to
strengthen our raiding group. Whackdonald’s has a good mix of
classes so we are not requiring a specific class, just good people.
Whackdonald’s provides a drama free, fun and fair raiding
environment. We are well organized and provide all the tools for
efficient raiding.
If you are happy with your guild but would like to experience
the challenge of 25-man raiding, we do not require you to leave
your guild to raid with us. (Guild membership is offered and
encouraged). Outside raiders will receive the same priority for
loot and guild raiders.
We are not posting an item level requirement, however applicants
should be raid viable, with spec/gear/gems/enchants optimized for
PVE raiding. Applicants should know their class and rotations and
be willing to come prepared to the raid.
Whackdonald’s Raid Schedule:
(25 Man) : Tuesday – Thursday 8 PM – 11 PM CST
Please visit our website and complete a short application if you
are interested.