<Wumbology> is a Horde guild on US-Burning Blade. We aim to
be an all around solid guild, PvP for kicks and giggles and run
20man Mythic hardcore content with a casual attitude. We believe
successful raiding does not correlate to being an asshole while
being an asshole does indeed correlate to a loss of enjoyment.
We're looking for people that want to raid 2 nights a week
(Tues/Wed 7:15-11:00 PM Est) and are willing to put in the effort,
research and preparation required to down bosses. Experience is
favorable: however, effort, reliability, and communication skills
go a long way. All raiding positions are competitive, so skilled
raiders of any role are welcome to come tryout. We partake in a
fair amount of shenanigans throughout the week as well for those of
our members not currently on the raid team, so nonraiders feel free
to join, hang out and see if were the right fit for you. Thanks for
taking the time to check us out and we hope that you find us to
your liking.
Please check out our website at http://wumbology.wowlaunch.com/ to
apply or find more information.
People to contact in game for details if this information ever
falls out of date-
Hoboedd-Burning Blade
Rushikua-Burning Blade
Maellich-Burning Blade
Likangwah-Burning Blade
Dukincast-Burning Blade