Actively Recruiting Again! We want more people for our Mythic
progress! If you're going to make any pledges for the new year, why
not direct one at us?
We're back!
Our guild formed back in The Burning Crusade as a place for
friends to level, but it did not take long until raiding became our
main objective. Since then a lot of things have happened, both with
the game and those of us who spend time bringing bad guys to their
knees. After a well needed break and re-structured leadership we
once again have our aim set on the highest level of
What we're looking for in applicants:
Ability to communicate. You don't have to submit a podcast,
but you have to use those english skills to let us know the
important stuff, both inside and outside of raids. What we don't
know, we can't deal with.
Capacity to learn. We expect that you know your own class
inside and out, but we need you to be able to handle constructive
criticism and new information in a productive manner. Our goal, and
yours, is to always improve!
Respect for others. Your time is not more important than our
time. We all live in a turbulent world, but when you're raiding
with us you're on time, fully prepared, and with your personal
problems left on the loading screen. And if not, well, then you'll
just have to book a session with one of our resident pocket
What we're offering as a guild:
Our leadership has experience from all previous endgame content,
and many of us have played since beta.
We are committed to creating a focused but enjoyable raiding
experience. We want to down those bad boys without lasting
headaches. The only pain we should have to deal with is the pain
originating from our bleeding fingertips!
Outside of raids we have a large social base consisting of both old
veterans from previous raiding tiers and expansions, players who
are happy just blasting through pugs and grinding for their
millionth companion pet, as well as the odd PvP-heroes hellbent on
destroying whomever decides to join the battleground on that
particular day. And If you're extra lucky, there might be someone
beatboxing Shakira tunes on Ventrilo.
If this interests you, and we sure hope it does, contact any of
us through any of the available channels!
Best regards on behalf of the administration,
Kutz, Poet & Scholar (Kutz#1251)
Liquorîce, Recruitment Officer & Main Meat Wall
Hitmehard, Communications & Technologies & Addonict
Korumo, King Cat Wearing Hat
Macnia, Potato Professional
OBS! Recruitment status updated! However, we are always on the
lookout for players with the right attitude, so do not hesitate to
contact us despite the fact that your prefered class is not
currently displayed above!
Come by our forums and say hello!