<Beverly Skillz> is now recruiting! Our current
progress is 5/7M Highmaul and 4/10H BRF.
The guild was founded in Wrath and has raided at one level or
another throughout its history. We believe that a relaxed raiding
atmosphere and good progression are not mutually exclusive, and
strive to create smooth, enjoyable raids without a multitude of
rules to shackle players in place.
While we don’t aim to be at the cutting edge of raid progression,
we do want to kill as many heroi... *ekhm*, mythic bosses as
possible while they are still current content. As such we are
looking for players who are highly motivated to raid and are
constantly seeking to improve. That means you should have a good
and up-to-date understanding of your class that goes beyond
executing the basic rotation and blindly following AskMrRobot for
reforge/gem advice. You need to be able to adapt to and perform
well in all raid situations.
We use TS3 for our raids, so you will need to have it installed and
be able to use it to communicate during raids.
Raid Schedule (CET)
Wednesday: 2000-2300
Sunday: 2000-2300
Tuesday: 2000-2300
We do not have a specific attendance requirement, but do ask that
you are able to regularly attend raids on all of our raid days, and
inform the officers ahead of time when you can’t do so. We
understand that real life should always take precedence over a
video game, and will never ask you to sacrifice real life
commitments to attend raids.
We are currently interested in
- Ranged DPS, preferably Balance Druid, Hunter, or Warlock
- Healers preferably a Disc Priest or Mistweaver
Keep in mind that regardless of the above listing, exceptional
players of any class/spec will always be considered!
Interested in joining us? Have any questions? Feel free to contact
any of the following people:
Jörnäs (GM) Svennen1#2907
Stryer (Officer) Chen#2412
Desimal (Officer) Danny#2234
You're also more than welcome to have a chat with any of our
If you are already convinced that we are awesome (we are!), you can
also apply directly on our website.