Founded in 2006, Rawhide Prime strives to be a home for great
people and skilled players. We cater to those who want to raid
seriously on a casual schedule (5 hours a week).
We are friendly, mature, laid back, and work together to get the
job done.
Wednesday. 7:30pm – 10:00pm
Thursday. 7:30pm – 10:00pm
(Central Time)
Personality. We are a competitive group of people who take
raiding seriously but not ourselves. We strive to make raiding an
enjoyable activity, even during progression. We don’t troll chat or
get into internet fights. We take pride in our guild.
Team Approach. We believe in approaching each challenge as a
team. From strategy discussion and raid call outs to guild funds we
take a team first approach. Every team member contributes to our
Stability. We pride ourselves on our guild stability. Our
members are committed to raid times and being prepared to raid. By
recruiting raiders that fit the guild personality we have very low
turnover in our roster.
No Bench. We won’t invite someone to the guild just to be a
backup in case one of our raiders can’t make it. Every member of
our raiding roster is a valuable part of the team, and we expect
everyone to contribute.
We are looking for skilled DPS of any class or spec. Currently
shamans and rogues are our lowest priority. We are also looking for
a exceptional monk or druid healer. Good people and skilled players
are encouraged to apply regardless of recruiting needs. Being
flexible with off specs is a must.
Send in application here:
If you have any questions please contact Karf (Karfragnor#1481) or
Tsar (Pale#1707) in game or post here. Thanks!