Serenity is a World of Warcraft guild formed in late 2010 by
raiders with the mindset that raiding could be both
progression-oriented as well as laid back. Many of the GMs /
officers have raiding experience dating back to Molten Core and
have built Serenity into a strong raiding guild ready to hit
Warlords of Draenor strong upon release.
As stated above, we are a raiding guild first and foremost. However
many of our members, both raiders and non-raiders alike, take part
in bgs, arenas as well as enjoying the social aspects that come
with an active guild. Raiding is the focus for many of our members,
but we also provide a laid back environment for those that focus on
pvp, running old dungeons / raids for achievements, or just looking
for an active, high-level guild to call their home.