Deviants is currently seeking an off-tank and an exceptional ranged
dps. We raid 3 nights a week; Wednesday, Sunday, and Monday from
8pm server to 11pm server. As a guild Deviants has been urging for
heroic tier progression and we will start hard modes as soon as we
down Lei Shen.
Deviants vent is never truly empty. The guild members also
participate in SC2, Ranked LoL matches and other misc. games. We
are a very social guild and friendly all together. There is always
a bit of name calling and fun being made, but its always out of
respect and of reason to push harder on the boss progression we are
going for.
We use a system for loot called Ni Karma, although it is different
than DKP it still gives loot out fairly and what we believe to be
To apply for Deviants, go to