Datus Mortalis was founded in December 2008 (on server Lightning's
Blade) with the goal to provide good progression with reasonable
raid hours. Even though we consider ourselves a "casual" guild, we
are one of the top guilds of Lightning's Blade progressionwise
despite raiding less hours than most of the guilds with similar
We moved to Mal'ganis on June 2013 and are currently doing a casual
week-end run. We also have an alliance guild on server Sargeras
with the same name.
Raid Schedule
Saturday 8pm EST until we're tired. (11pm +)
Our expectations of new members...
18+ years of age
maintain 95+% attendance, more is strongly encouraged (100%
during tryout)
quick communication with the raid, including...fluency in
English, Mumble, a mic.
acquired the highest level of gear, gems, and enchants
available to the applicant (minimum of heroic and badge
self motivation to research gear upgrades, ability usage, raid
give and receive constructive criticism on the spot to master
new encounters
come prepared with enough potions/flasks