Recent Guild Achievements:
T17 - 6/7 Mythic Highmaul
T16 - US 97th (10-man)
T16 - US 217th (25-man)
T15 - US 274th (10-man)
Raid Schedule:
Tues/Wed/Thu/Mon 10PM - 1AM EST
Currently recruiting exceptionally
talented high-parsing DPS with a strong history of raiding for
20-man Mythic raiding.
About Us:
Nocturnal Lunacy is a tight knit
group of people that take progression seriously, but at the same
time like to have fun. We provide all flasks, food, potions, and
repairs during officially sanctioned raids. Gems and enchanting
mats are provided free of charge to all core raiders. We also run
legacy raids on weekends.
Our raiders are required to come to
raids prepared and on-time. Members should be properly gemmed,
enchanted, reforged, and ready to go 15 minutes before raid time.
In addition, raiders should be well-versed in boss mechanics and
overall strategy.
Live Raid Streams:
Contact Vida, Fergus, Bigboned, Trinkit, Zynadin in-game or add
Battletag Easyrider#1670. Apply at