We're primarily recruiting the classes listed above, but we're
always recruiting skilled players. All applicants will be
considered, and any trial that outperforms a core raider will take
his/her spot.
Legacy Reborn on Area 52 is looking for devoted raiders. Someone
who consistently reads up on theorycraft and performs awesomely but
cannot (or does not) raid 3+ nights per week. We're looking for 90+
percentile DPS on WarcraftLogs.
Many two night per week guilds have shifted to 3 nights (you can
view their logs to verify this). Don't be fooled. We have not
seriously raided on a third night in months and we do everything in
our power to avoid it.
We're an analytical and competitive bunch that feel we can always
use like-minded, nearly 100% attendance exceptional players to
continue tearing through mythic content. Here are some
* Obligatory web site link -
* Mythic raiding guild
* Located on Area 52 (a realm with a lot going on!)
* Raids Tuesday and Thursday - 8:30pm-12:30am server time
* 6/7 Mythic HM - 9/10 Heroic BRF (T17)
* 14/14 Heroic (now Mythic) SoO (Cutting Edge T16)
* 13/13 Heroic (now Mythic) ToT (Cutting Edge T15)
* 20-24 person roster
We try to stay at 20-24 and rotate people in and out on a per boss
basis. It also helps ensure that our raids happen even when someone
has an emergency. Raid smarter; not harder. Show up prepared. Do
your homework on off nights and we have the caliber of player to
progress in heroic raids without a huge commitment.
Apply on our web site or add us, we'll talk
Delinkthaum#1865 (raid lead)