Defqon offers a solid raid schedule on the weekly calendar of
Outland. Defqon has always been a very attractive guild both in
social and raiding aspect.
Our raid groups consists of mature players, ranging from 18-56
years old. Most are Scandinavian, Swedish or Dutch, but ofcourse
the main language we speak in is always English. Every player
around Europe is welcome to join in. We require experience and
documented results in any current or previous content that you
believe is relevant.
We raid on Wednesdays, thursdays and sundays from 20.00 till 00.00
Server Time.
Fun Raids (Old context/Glory/Alt runs) take place Friday from 20.00
till 00.00 Server Time.
Currently we're looking for:
- 2 Tanks (High Preference to Monk/Warrior, Lower to
- 2 Melee (Enhancement Shaman, Windwalker Monk, Retribution
- 2 Ranged (Hunter, Balance Druid)
Exceptional players are always welcome to apply.
Whisper Spartex (Spartex#2423) or any other current officer to ask
for more information. *
* Other officers in Defqon: Mythox, Tamié, Samplle.