Tuesday Nite Nerds is one of the oldest guilds on the US-Sen'Jin
server. We have been raiding since Kara in TBC and many of us are
still raiding together today! We pride ourselves on our consistent
progression and the comfortable and enjoyable raid atmosphere the
nerds work hard at maintaining.
Tuesday Nite Nerds is recruiting exceptional candidates for our 25
man raids.
We are looking for candidates that fulfill the following
- You are over the age of 21 and behave accordingly.
- Applicants should be geared and experienced for our level of
- Be knowledgeable about your main class and role in raids.
- Have a willingness to perserve against challenging
- Be willing to discuss and accept constructive criticism.
- Be capable of attending at least 2 of our 25 man raids
consistently and always prepared and on time for raids.
- Be a contributing member of our guild outside of raiding
Current TNN 25 man raiding schedule:
Tuesday: 7:30-11 pm server time (CST)
Thursday: 7:30-11 pm server time (CST)
Sunday: 6:30-10 pm server time (CST)
Qualifying applicants should visit our website and complete an
application in our guild application thread.
In game contacts:
Svorutia - GM
Annimend - Officer
Vorgurn - Officer
Thank you for considering TNN