If you are a player that can contribute to our guild and believe
you are an added value, that you fit in our community and have that
extra thing that average players lack: then do not hesitate
to add Melodie#2561 or leave an application on our forum!
Applications are also most welcome to be send to
We are especially on the look out for flexible players who have the
ability to dual-spec according to the needs of the raid. At the
moment we have a particular interest in a restoration druid,
warrior DPS and a rogue!
We raid 4 days a week: On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.
The raid starts at 19:00 and ends at 23:00. The end-time of the
raids might be postponed until 23:30 on progress raids.
Your profile
We are looking for mature players who are able to communicate in a
friendly manner, can take critism, have the dedication and ability
to wipe in order to progress and can have fun while doing so. We
emphasize that you are also capable of maintaining high attendance
on the long term.
If you feel you are the type of player we want, we encourage you to
apply regardless of what class you play.