We currently have Highmaul on Heroic difficulty cleared and 2
bosses on Mythic down and are looking to progress futher, thus we
are currently recruiting the below classes but will always consider
exceptional players of any class.
Raid Spots and Attendance
Raid spots are never reserved for any players, and you must always
try to show us why we should want you on the raid team. This covers
aspects such as playing your class to its full potential, doing
your best on boss fights (whilst understanding that progression can
be a long and sometimes frustrating process), actively helping to
clear trash, and having good raid attendance. If we feel that
another player would be more deserving of your spot, you may lose
We expect reliable attendance from all raiders as we want to
establish a solid core team without having to rely heavily on bench
players. People do have real life issues now and then and a day or
two of freedom during rare months is more than okay as long as you
announce it well beforehand. We would encourage all of our raiders
to keep 100% attendance as it helps the guild to progress.
Invites will be sent out a 15 minutes before the raid is scheduled
to begin, and you should be online and ready for an invite with
flasks and food prepared. Failure to prepare consumables in
adequate number before the raid during progression periods may
result in your dismissal from the raid. During farm, consumables
are not required but are encouraged.
Loot Distribution
Loot is distributed using loot council with the Best in Slot rule.
This means that if a player cannot receive a better improvement
than the piece of loot which has dropped, they will be given it. If
two players share the same BiS item then the loot will be given to
the most active in raids, and failing that the one with the lowest
Requirements to join
Full PVE Gear 660 ilvl
Previous Mythic Experience
A mature manor and a good communicator