Shenanigans has been a long time guild that has been around since
BC. Our main focus is to work effectively as a group to accomplish
endgame content. We are a close net group that has been raiding
together for years. Currently we are seeking skilled dps to round
out our numbers so we can start mythic raiding. Clearing Highmaul
was no challenge as our core group is very talented. Raid times are
Wednesday,Sunday, and Monday from 830pm-1130 pm server time(EST).
If you enjoy a humorous group that is very relaxed in our raids
then this is the guild for you. Shenanigans just asks that you can
maintain a few things..
1) Attendance- We understand things come up and it is hard to
notify people at the last minute. We just ask you download the
armory app so you can see who is online when you are away from your
computer and notify one of the online members to relay a
2) Knowledge of content- Our GM, Raidleader, and officers know
every fight in and out. We dont expect our members to know every
aspect but we want them to have a general know how of the mechanics
of the fight. We leave the rest for our raidleader to
3) Cooperation- Every guild may do the fights differently from each
other. Whether you have done the fight a different way or not we
expect you to follow the lead of the guild. Cooperation and
execution is what makes downing content easy, not big dps and
healing numbers.
4) Interaction- This guild is very friendly and we spend 3 days a
week raiding not including the time we spend online durring the
week. It is important to get to know everyone by communicating,
running dungeons, raids, participating in guild discussions, etc.
The reason our guild is successful is because we are a close nit
group that works together.
If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to contact
any of our officers in game.
Gm/Raidleader- Pinkee (Aekopatich#1530)
Officer- Lethalscope
Officer- Vesden
Officer- Winteri