Spirit of Alar is a semi-hardcore raiding guild, with a strong
social element.
Game Focus
We are focused on raiding and PvE Progression in a comfortable,
friendly environment.
We are not a classical "hardcore raiding guild" as we have a strong
social component as well.
We raid Monday to Thursday 20.30-00.00 server time. We expect
raiders to attend at least 2 of these raids each week. We
understand that real life and other responsibilities sometimes get
in the way and we are very accommodating in these situations.
Expectations of our Raiders
1. You know how to play your particular class and are able to
adequately fulfil your class-role in raids.
2. You are able to follow instructions/take constructive
3. You prepare appropriately in and outside of raids with regards
to (but not limited to) gear, consumables, strategies and
4. You continuously strive to improve all of the above aspects
inside and outside raids and to help others in the guild where
The right mix of skill, effort and reliability is key in our
Current Recruitment Needs
If your class is listed as Closed we do still consider applications
from exceptional players.
If you are interested, please apply via our website, which can be
found at http://spiritofalar.co.uk/ or feel free to contact
any of the officers for further information: Jizol,
With regards,
Spirit of Alar