We are recruiting to fill core and backup spots for our Mythic raid
roster. We will consider applicants of all classes (including those
unlisted above) if your experience warrants it. If interested,
apply at our website or speak with any officer (Halleck, Windleaf,
Tulas, Cravenn, or Hellriss).
Recruits should be:
- Skilled and knowledgeable of your class
- Eager to kill new bosses, even if it means hundreds of wipes
- Able to raid Wednesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-10:30 server
- Able to give full attention to raids for their duration
Raid Information (times are Central)
Wednesday: 7:00-10:30
Thursday: 7:00-10:30
About Us
<The Butchers> have been active in WoW since release, have
raided since the days of Molten Core, and have ranged from a
hardcore to a casual raid style over the years. Currently, we raid
two nights a week, but we push to make the most of those nights and
see progress.
We will consider any skilled, mature player who can attend the
majority of our raids for membership. Past accomplishments are a
good way to see what you are capable of, but everyone starts
somewhere, so don't be shy if your raid experience has been limited
to Raid Finder.
All of our members are expected to be mature. This is not a "mature
content" warning, but rather a disclaimer that if your behavior
warrants such a warning, we are not the guild for you. Most of
our core group has been raiding together for 6+ years at this
point, and as such, we are a guild of mostly adults.
Every member is expected to possess a mature attitude and the
ability to learn from their mistakes. Members are also expected to
come prepared to raids, both in terms of consumables and knowledge
of encounters.
If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please stop
by our forums at Alternatively, you can speak
with any of us in-game (ask for Halleck if you wish to speak to the