<Vigil> is a semi-hardcore Alliance raiding guild on
Sargeras-US. The majority of the guild has been playing since
classic and the core group has been raiding together since Burning
Crusade. We are looking for raiders, veteran or new, who are
seeking a structured raid environment that pushes progression
content on a 3 day per week schedule.
Vigil Philosophy
1) Maintain a semi-hardcore raiding guild focused on longevity.
This guild was created based on friendships made in hardcore
raiding and the guild will continue to thrive as long as World of
Warcraft continues to exist.
2) Conduct raids in a professional, organized, coherent manner. The
leadership collectively brings over 20 years of hardcore raiding
experience. What we enjoy most about raiding is the organization of
the raid, adapting to difficult encounters, and celebrating after a
difficult boss kill. Most of our trials comment on the speed of our
raid. This is not a guild that takes 10-15 minutes between pulls.
Strategy is done before raid on the forums and raid time is used
3) Establish a community. We may be the only semi-hardcore
progression guild with a minecraft server. We have a Sunday alt
run, mumble is always active, and we play other games such as
Borderlands and Heroes of the Storm on off-nights. Also, we have a
really awesome website that looks great on mobile.
Raid Times
Tuesday 6-10pm CST
Wednesday 6-10pm CST
Thursday 6-10pm CST
Loot Rules
For normal and heroic raids we use main spec over off spec. We do
not use personal loot for the reason that we do not want our
raiders doubling up on items. For mythic raids, we use a loot
council system and award loot based on attendance, performance, and
attitude. The loot council consists of two officers and an elitist.
We know how important loot is to player and guild advancement and
take great care with awarding loot. Attendance and performance are
the most important factors for loot distribution.
Contact Information
Website: http://www.sargeras.us
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Vigil_Raiding
Battle.net IDs: Korson#1574 Tjuice#1677 Nauris1910#2468