Burn is a 'special' nab guild on Aszune EU.
We raid 3 times per week, 8:30 till 11:30, Thursday, Sunday & a
third day.
We are currently recruiting ranged DPS only. We don't have any room
for more melee, healers or tanks. We are currently gearing up our
raid group and increasing our numbers by the last few required so
we can start to tackle Mythic raids.
Expectations from you as a raider in Burn:
Use the in game calendar to decline/accept raids.
Turn up to raids you signed up for, let someone know if you
Know your class, if your DPS/healing is lower then the guy
stood next to you and it should not be, ask for advice, use the
advice, and be a nab.
If you like what you read so far, head to our website for more
information http://www.burnguild.eu/.
To apply you can fill in an application form via the website apply
section or whisper a bossy nublet in game. Bossy nublets to whisper
are: Kresnica, Alzadriel, Thatdwarf or Lamora.