Zero Skill
Zero Skill is a semi-hardcore guild aimed at clearing Mythic
Content in the top 5 server. Any skilled applicant who is willing
to commit to 3 days 12 hours a week and push content as fast as
possible is welcome to apply. We started during Highmaul
progression and have worked our way up to the top 10. Ending
Highmaul @Server 9.
Raid Times
6-10 Realm (Mountain) PM
All applicants must be aware that we are not a casual guild, we
require all players to meet certain goals in DPS/HPS and be
mechanically good at the game. All recruits will join on a trial
basis for 1 week before you are eligible to receive loot. You will
be required to submit a BiS list for each tier of raiding so that
loot council can distribute gear logically. Our loot system is
based off of two systems. Loot Council and EPGP. Loot Council
distributes the loot and EPGP tracks the loot distributed. If you
apply you must have at least 1 raiding tier of heroic(Mythic)
experience, be 670+ Ilvl and be at least 18 years old. Attendance
is important to us above all, if you are not able to make raids at
least 90% of the time due to school or work, do not bother
Any questions please contact: