Alliance Guild Exception Bloodfeather – Current Progress 3/7
Mythic Highmaul
The Guild
Exception was formed in 2006 and has raided all content spanning
across all 3 brackets (10, 25 and 40 man) and over the years has
formed a solid group of core players. Our previous progress
includes completing SoO heroic (Pre 6.0) and attaining 30 mounts in
total for the guild. Our current focus is mythic progression in
Highmaul using a comfortable, flexible raid schedule to accommodate
RL commitments.
Exceptions sights are firmly set on Mythic content, having cleared
14/14 Heroic SoO you can be assured we will be aspiring to clear
The Raid Schedule
We require our members to raid at least 2 out of our 3 raid days a
week (preferably all three obviously). We raid Thursday, Sunday and
Tuesday from 19.30 to 23.00.
We work on a basis that we assume you will attend every raid (no
need to sign up per raid) however if you are unable to make a raid,
we ask that you make an away post on our forum.
We provide:
• Paid repairs on raid nights up to 500g
• Free flasks and free pots
• Flexible Raid attendance
• A close knit, social environment.
We require:
• A good attitude and respectful manner.
• We require a certain level of competency – Although we will help
gear a player up, at this time of progression teaching people to
suck eggs is not in our agenda. We need to see a pro-active
attitude in regard to gearings etc.
• A willingness and desire to improve. Mistakes happen, we’re all
human - all we look for is that you learn from these mistakes and
• You need to be able to listen on Team speak.
• A level of gear and experience that matches our guilds, we need
people who we can instantly use - we no long have time to gear
people up in heroic.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me in game with any questions on
my real ID: Coburn#2121.
Or you can visit our website
You can also veiw some of our very first Garrosh kill below
First Garrosh Kill
You can catch some of our Live streams during raids at: - Hunter