RnG has a strong progress oriented environment with competitive
spots and a goal to look towards becoming the best among the TOP 3
day a week guilds around in world. We are looking to further
recruit to have an exceptional team.
The quality of our raiders consist of people who have raided within
the top 100 guilds, we expect the very best from each of our
raiders no matter the rank or previous exp. We expect each new
trial to be at minimum the same level as our core or better, so we
can improve everyone and people can compete for the spots, creating
a healthy atmosphere.
The idea of a 3-day a week guild to us, is to clear progression as
fast as possible whilst still being able to live productive lives
outside of the game without sacrificing all our personal time for
We STILL have HIGH expectations on each person. Behavior and
attitude are very important to us and individual responsibility to
know what you're doing at all times (without having a human DBM on
TeamSpeak telling you what to do all the time is crucial)
furthermore we look for people who know how to take their play to
the next level, never stop learning, never think you're the
Our Ethos / Values
We have a solid core of players with great experience we are
looking to expand upon. We prioritise people with perfect play,
doing the damage/heals but also adapting on the fly, listening to
the raid leader and avoiding damaging mechanics.
We have a relaxed but focused, progressive and competitive
environment. We do not yell or abuse members who make mistakes, but
each raider needs to be able to take constructive criticism. If you
cannot- don't apply.
We expect minimal downtime between pulls and that everyone comes
prepared and on time to our raids. This will make us able to
compete with guilds that are raiding many more hours a week than we
What we expect.
We are looking for mini raid leaders in all our players. Having a
great mind-set to fully develop and advance your game-play. No
elitists or egotists, we just want confidence that you know the
fights, can perform and can bring the dps/healing.
We look for people to.
- Consistently able to attend 3/3 raids per week- we strive to
continually use a similar team on progress.
- Have previous raiding experience. Bonus points for TBC semi
hardcore raiding, ulduar hardmodes etc.
- Have extensive knowledge of your class. The guild wants to
progress fast in 6.0. Also continual improvement / discussion/
sharing of knowledge.
- Have links to World of logs of your dps, healing done etc on
recent fights- and the knowledge of how to improve your dps or
healing done for specific fights.
- Have a correct attitude for raiding. Accepting constructive
criticism. Not causing drama in guild chat or over things in raid.
Being able to communicate via TS when necessary etc.
- Have the DETERMINATION to push the mythic modes.
- And UNDYING determination to get bosses down, NO JOKES, were not
carrying people- we EXPECT fast learning, barely any mistakes, come
prepared to rock the raid.
What you should expect.
- A raiding environment that you can really bring your 'A' game
- A raiding roster with members with a large WoW history and focus
on current raiding and beyond
- Ambition and drive to always push progress and improve, as well
as a competitive yet relaxed atmosphere in guild
Raiding times:
Monday: 19:45-23:00
Tuesday: 19:45-23:00
Thursday: 19:45-23:00
WHERE to APPLY : Talk to the people below first, then either a TS
interview or apply on our forums.
Our website is www.rng.shivtr.com
or the other officer in-game or find it on our website