Guild Name: Summit
Realm: US Illidan (PvP)
Server Time Zone: Central
Raid Schedule: TUES, WED, and THURS. 7-11pm Central
Recruitment Needs:
It is important to note that regardless of our Recruitment needs,
every spot is competitive. If you're an amazing player that can
outperform people that are currently on the roster, then go make an
app right now regardless of what class/spec you play!
About You:
You want to take progression seriously but on a reduced schedule
from other hardcore guilds. You expect the raid team to execute at
your level and you take personal responsibility for your
performance. You do not need to be coddled and can be expected to
research your class and the fights beforehand as well as read our
guild strategies and execute your assigned job effectively.
You learn quickly and can adapt to unexpected situations. You are
an expert on your class and you stay up to date on any changes or
new theorycrafting. You understand min-maxing everything from gems
to consumables is important. You are good at mechanics, good at
your role, and good at using your entire toolkit to keep yourself
and the raid alive.
You know or are interested in learning how to read logs for your
class and look at more than just DPS/HPS numbers for ways to
About Summit:
<Summit> is a 25-man hardcore progression raiding guild with
a 12 hour per week schedule (3 nights/4 hours). Very occasionally,
a 4th raid night will be added to accomplish specific progression
goals, to make up for connectivity shenanigans, etc. This extra
night was used twice in SoO.
We are serious when it comes to progression, but we like to joke
around and have fun outside of raid or during trash. Most of our
members are between 20 and 30. We require a high level of attention
during raids, and to make the most of our limited raid time our
pulls are fast and efficient. Because of how serious we are about
progressing quickly, we require that all members have and maintain
an alt that they can switch to if needed.
On off nights, we do alt raids and play other games like Diablo 3,
Hearthstone, Speed Runners, Starcraft 2, League of Legends, and
many others. A number of our members are often online and hanging
out in Mumble chatting. Being in Summit is as fun and social as you
want it to be.
Illidan is a very high pop server with a thriving economy. Queues
are not uncommon on raid nights, but do not interfere with logging
on for our raid start time provided you are not in the habit of
logging on right AT raid time.
Pre-nerf Progression History:
14/14 H SoO
13/13 H Throne of Thunder
3/4 H Terrace of Endless Spring
6/6 H Heart of Fear
6/6 H Mogu'shan Vaults
Please apply at our website, but if you have questions, you can
Shadow (Barrior#1209)
Blizzhoof (Blizzhoof#1716)
Sepheros (Sepheros#1479)