Hello, there <teamLUST> is a 12 hour a week semi-Hardcore
Mythic raiding guild on Mal'Ganis. We are currently recruiting to
fill in some weak spots in our roster for Mythic progression.
We are interested in talented players who will mesh well into our
tight-knit group.
Server: Mal'Ganis *Central Time*
Website: http://www.teamlust.shivtr.com/
Logs: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/3077/
Recruitment as of 1/19/2015
Raid schedule: ALL invites start 15minutes before raid start
Tuesday: 5:30PM - 9:30PM PST | 7:30PM - 11:30PM CST
Thursday: 5:30PM - 9:30PM PST | 7:30PM - 11:30PM CST
Monday: 5:30PM - 9:30PM PST | 7:30PM - 11:30PM CST
How we operate:
We do a type of loot council which takes into consideration who has
received loot recently, performance, attendance and
Attendance is very critical, our raiders are expected to maintain
90% raid attendance but we understand that sometimes things come up
and stuff happens; in such a scenario you are expected to post in
the "Attendance" thread on our forums or contact an officer in
We're all adults *20-30* and as such we like to joke around about a
wide variety of stuff and things while we raid, as such we are
looking for members who aren't easily offended by crude humor but
know when it's time to get serious.
Raid Performance:
We expect our raiders to have immense knowledge of the class you
are playing and perpetually be up-to-date with new and cutting edge
information pertaining to your class; nothing other than full
mastery of your class will be acceptable. This game has been out
long enough and there are an innumerable amount of websites that
one can utilize to gain further knowledge of ones class.
You are expected to provide your own 100 stat food if a Savage
Feast wont provide you with your best stat, because of poor
We expect pre-pots as well as secondary potions on every pull.
250 stat flasks, that goes without saying.
Guild History:
We have been raiding with each other since TBC *most of us if not
all have been raiding since vanilla* and are looking for more like
minded individuals to acclimate into our clique, we're not
interested in anyone who just shows up to raids without socializing
at all.
Some past achievements include:
Obtaining 16 Amani Warbears, as well as a few of us having killed
M'uru pre 3.0 nerf.
In WotLK we raided on Kel'Thuzad where we obtained Horde 3rd Black
Proto Drakes as well as obtaining Plagued Proto Drakes. We then
helped create <Intent> which was a ranked 30 US guild. Most
of us took a break from the game at that time while some of us
continued raiding going on to kill server first Algalon, completing
a Tribute to insanity, as well as killing Heroic LK prior to the
30% buff.
During Cata most of us were still on hiatus, a few of us cleared
all relevant content Heroic Al'Akir: US 42, Sinestra: US 72, Heroic
Ragnaros: US 53, Heroic Deathwing: US 26.
Upon our friends returning to the game we decided to form a 10man
which happened during ToT and we've been progressing ever
While our raid schedule would be considered semi-hardcore *~12
hours a week* that's where the "semi" stops we make the most out of
our time while raiding and try to progress as quickly as we can
with the time we allot ourselves. We're all competitive players
trying to drive each other to play their best.
That being said we're looking for stable, competitive players to
join our group and progress further into Mythic with us.
-Irilis, <x00ry#1110>