<Questionable Parenting> is new guild but filled with a core
group of old-school Alliance Thunderlord players with hardcore
raiding experience. We're a laid back group of guys outside of
raids but pretty serious about proper execution when it comes to
pushing content.
We are now 7/7 Normal and 7/7 Heroic. Currently we are looking for
dedicated members to fill our core so we can start progressing
through mythic.
We currently raid Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7PM-10:30PM Server
Currently looking for ANY and ALL exceptional players that are
willing to fill a spot in our raid, if interested please add me on
bnet: Stingray#1635
Class ---------- Spec ---------- Priority
Druid ---------- Balance ---------- High
Paladin ---------- Ret ---------- High
Priest ---------- Shadow ---------- High
Warlock ---------- Destro/Aff ---------- High
Shaman ---------- Enhance ---------- High
Shaman ---------- Ele ---------- High
Druid ---------- Feral ---------- High
Hunter---------- MM/Surv ---------- High
DK ---------- Frost/Unholy ---------- Med
Mage ---------- Arcane/Fire ---------- Med
Shaman---------- Resto ---------- Low
Rogue ---------- Sub/Combat ---------- Low
Warrior ---------- Fury ---------- Low